Gianni Savelli
Nowadays, it is quite common to come across musical projects based on contamination (in the worst cases) or synthesis (preferably) of different musical languages. Our globalized era offers countless examples of this phenomenon, as cultural barriers between genres, between classical and popular music, and between geographical traditions are, fortunately, fading away …The ensemble Media Res, led by Neapolitan saxophonist Gianni Savelli, reaches its fourth album in nearly a quarter of a century of activity. Following their eponymous debut in 2004, Que La Fête Commence in 2008, and Magellano in 2015, Alisei completes a quartet of works that trace a distinctive and perceptive path within contemporary Italian jazz. “I could say that my approach has been to treat music as a narrative language,” Savelli explained in an interview. “Thus, I found myself taking the ‘words’ of the various musical languages that interested me, breaking them down into smaller units as if they were ‘letters,’ and then recomposing these elements into a new language of synthesis.”
The musical "languages" Savelli has embraced over time now feel more internalized—less explicit, yet more personal and profound. The influences of Africa, Asia, Brazil, and the many musical landscapes he has explored throughout his career—ranging from pop to orchestral, from film scoring to contemporary music—no longer appear as direct references but rather as molecules, intuitions, inspirations, and dreams suspended in the sonic flow.
The synergy within the quintet is almost instinctive, with every musician moving seamlessly in the same direction, without hesitation or misalignment.
Six original compositions lift us toward landscapes of the heart and memory—sometimes a sigh, sometimes a breeze, sometimes a gust of wind—always poetic, boundless, and capable of taking on the emotional shape the listener seeks in the moment the sound emerges from the speakers. Melodia Sottomarina draws inspiration from Roberto Rossellini’s short film Fantasia Sottomarina (a fitting connection, as Rossellini’s middle name was Zeffiro, meaning "west wind"). The two orchestral pieces pay tribute, respectively, to L’Infinito by Giacomo Leopardi and to the memory of Aldo Bassi, the late trumpeter and former Media Res member who passed away too soon. Each track offers a glimpse into the refined and innovative jazz of today.
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